목록watercar (1)
| It's electric |

WaterCar EV 라고....https://www.watercar.com/ WaterCar - The Leaders in Amphibious Vehicle ManufacturingReimagine boating with the WaterCar EV, a sleek neighborhood cruiser on land that transforms into an impressive 18-foot boat with a single push of a button. WaterCar Inc is the leader in amphibious boats & vehicles.www.watercar.com 전기차의 폼펙터가 다양하고 유연하니...수륙양용차 구현이 쉽다는 것을 착안... 주행가능거리 100마일(161k..
전기차 라이프&여행
2024. 10. 21. 11:04