목록소니 (1)
| It's electric |

소니가 전기차를 만들겠다고 선언했었는데, 5일 CES에서 첫 전기차 실물(프로토타입)을 공개함. 'AFEELA' https://www.shm-afeela.com/en/ AFEELA | Official Website AFEELA - Mobility that people can feel as an intelligent entity. Mobility that can feel people and society through new technology. To create and nurture this new relationship. AFEELA, it has already begun. www.shm-afeela.com https://youtu.be/5Xb0Im3_SRs https://youtu.be/eyCi4CA..
중국 등 아시아 전기차
2023. 1. 5. 13:54