목록2030년 (1)
| It's electric |
2030년엔 내연기관 엔진보다 배터리가 더 싸진다
밧데리 값, 밧데리 제작 단가가 지속 하락하면서, 2030년에는배터리 교체가 내연기관 엔진 수리보다 비용적인 면에서 더 싸질 것이라고 전망 Recurrent found that the cost of electric vehicle batteries and where they are headed in terms of pricing is on pace for the replacement of an entire pack to be less than a gas engine repair by 2030. https://www.teslarati.com/ev-battery-replacement-will-soon-cost-less-than-fixing-a-gas-engine-study/ EV battery replace..
2024. 12. 5. 15:06