테슬라 모델S3XY
테슬라 양방향 충전(일명 V2L) 지금도 가능하다는데
2024. 9. 19. 13:53
Ambibox라는 업체에서 모델Y로 테스트를 했는데,
하드웨어 변경 없이도 양방향 충전이 가능했다고.
테슬라가 허용할지 안할지 알 수 없는 상황이어서
해당 장치를 상업용으로 시판하거나 할 계획은 없으나,
테슬라의 결단이 필요하다는 설명.
The good news is that the Cybertruck is not the only Tesla capable of bi-directional charging. German company Ambibox, which sells bi-directional charging and home battery storage solutions, has already proved this capability. In July, Ambibox demonstrated the bi-directional charging capability on a 2024 Tesla Model Y paired with a stationary battery. During the test, which did not involve any modifications to the vehicle, the Model Y was charged from the stationary battery and discharged energy back into it.
Recently, Ambibox repeated the experiment with one of their bi-directional chargers, the Ambibox DC BiDi charger. In this case, the charger converted the direct current from the Model Y into an alternative current necessary for V2H and V2G applications. As before, no hardware modifications were required on the vehicle side. The discharge (up to 10 kW) was triggered via software from the bi-directional charger using a standard charging protocol (ISO 15118-2).
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